Kansas Pain Management
- Chairman, Department of Surgery Saint Luke’s Cushing Hospital, Kansas
- CEO-President Kansas Society of InterventionalPain Physicians. (ASIPP- American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians)
- Board Certification : American Board of Anesthesiology, Sub-specialty Pain Management American Board of Anesthesiology
- Invited Faculty/Speaker for International Neuromodulation Society (INS) 12th World Congress. 2015
- Invited Faculty/Speaker for the 31st annual meeting of the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM). 2015
- Invited Faculty/ Speaker for 92nd annual fall clinical conference of Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society (kcwcsfall). 2014
- Invited Faculty/Speaker for annual conferenceWest Virginia branch of American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2014.
- Invited Faculty/speaker for annual worldsymposium of World Institute of Pain (WIP) 2013
- Invited Faculty/speaker for Indian CancerCongress 2013
- Invited Faculty for conducting Hands onUltrasound Workshop for advanced pain procedures in West Virginia Socity of Interventional Pain Physicians (WVSIPP) annual meeting 2013.
- Invited as Future Leaders in Neuromodulation,Austin, Texas 2013.
- Invited Reviewer for Journal of Neuromodulation
- Invited Reviewer for Indian Journal of PalliativeMedicine
- Invited Keynote speaker Munson Army Health Center, Fort Leavenworth, KS 2012.
- Invited Keynote Speaker for Kansas Chiropractic Society 2012.
- Invited for presentations at American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting ASA 2010.
- Invited for presentations at American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting ASA 2009.
- Invited for presentations at American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting ASA 2008.
- Invited for presentations at American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting ASA 2007.
- Invited for Presentation at American Society of Regional Anesthesia Annual Meeting ASRA 2008.
- Invited for Presentation at American Society of Regional Anesthesia Annual Meeting ASRA 2009.
- Invited for Presentation at American Society of Regional Anesthesia Annual Meeting ASRA 2011.
- Published Multiple case reports on anesthetic management of complicated cases.
- Best Research Resident of the year 2009-10: Dept of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, JHS Hospital of Cook County, Rush University, Chicago.
- Best Pain Management Doctors in Olathe